7 Essential Tips for Hot Tubbing Safely at Home

father and son on a hot tub

Owning a high-quality hot tub can be an incredibly relaxing way to unwind at home. However, keeping safety in mind when using your home spa is crucial. Check out The Spa Spot's seven essential hot tub safety guidelines so you can enjoy hot tubbing responsibly for years to come.

Follow Recommended Water Temperatures and Soak Time

Water temperatures above recommended can pose a risk of scalding and overheating. Be sure to set the temperature below 104°F for adult use and 100°F for children under five.

Due to their smaller size and faster metabolic rates, kids are at a higher risk of experiencing overheating, so it's important to limit their soak time to 10-15 minutes. For adults, it's advised to limit hot tub sessions to 15-20 minutes and take breaks to cool down and hydrate.

Install Locking Hot Tub Covers

Prevent accidental drowning by installing sturdy, lockable hot tub covers. Ensure they are securely fastened and free from cracks or damage, and lock covers after each use to prevent unsupervised access.

Mount Signage for Safety Rules

Place signage with hot tub safety guidelines around the tub to reinforce good behaviors. Signs serve as visual reminders for supervision, proper use, and health safety steps.

Stay Sober and Alert

Supervise children closely while in or near the hot tub. Never leave them unattended, even briefly. And while alcohol consumption before or during hot tub use is not prohibited, it can impair judgment and increase the risk of accidents. Make sure to remain sober and aware of your surroundings at all times.

Shower Before and After Use

Rinse off thoroughly before entering to avoid contaminating the water with dirt, lotions, or other particles. After exiting, take a shower to wash away chemicals.

Purchase High-Quality Hot Tub From a Reputable Dealer

If you're planning to get a hot tub, make sure to purchase only from established and reputable dealers. The Spa Spot, a trusted dealer in Calgary, Edmonton, Grand Prairie, and Lloydminster, Alberta, provides high-quality hot tubs that meet safety standards. Contact us now to enjoy a safe and relaxing hot tub soak in the comfort of your own home.


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